Try Internet Options | Advanced | Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering. Adobe Flash Player NPAPI Nowadays the Internet has reached a level where it is, in huge proportions, accessed for entertainment.

Menu Bar | Tools | Safety before you bother with the Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager Make certain that Active X Filtering isn't checked in My Flash is up to date (per Adobe Flash checker, and other Flash enabled websites), I cleared my browser cache (cookies, etc), and I restarted my computer but the problem persists. This issue surfaced recently, within the past two weeks, and previously I had no problem using the website. Then see if you get a picture and sound in a Flash video. I only have problems with the 'My Arlo' website. If this is deselected, then you need to click it to activate Flash Player. ) and in the Global Storage Settings Manager, see that both boxes are checked, and that the slider allows for some storage. In the new bit that appears, you should see a ‘Use Adobe Flash’ option. Then go to the Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager To enable the plugin to Safari > Preferences: Select the Websites tab and locate the Plug-ins section. If these are true, then go into your Internet Options | Advanced and ascertain that everything you want is selected under the category Multimedia.
16476 update Version 11.0.2 (KB2898785) (see Internet Explorer | Help | About) and Shockwave Flash Object 11.9.900.170 enabled (see Managed add-ons | All add-ons)?

Am I correct in believing that you now have IE.